Bmore's Thoughts

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I want a new car. Want is the key word here. I know I might not need it but I sure as hell want it real bad. The car I have is the only car I have ever owned. It runs pretty well and it’s a Honda so that means it will probably run for the rest of my life. But I want a new car damn it.

My car has 148K miles on it, it was broken into last year and they stole my cd player that I only had for a year. I think they also tried to get my airbag but ran out of time. So now I have a pen stuck under the radio to help hold it in place and keep it wedged in the dash. A few weeks back my drivers side widow got stuck in the down position, the night before our first snow was expected. The fiancée and his brother got it back on track but it’s still shady when the window may decide it wants to stay down.

So one day last week I snapped. I went to the bank and was looking like an idiot while stand in the drive thru lane (I had forgotten my window was iffy). I want a new car damn it, I already know what I want, so what the hell is the hold up. So two nights ago the fiancée notices I had a headlight out as we were leaving from watching the boring Super Bowl with some friends. He waited till I was safely in the house before telling me for fear I might run my car into a wall (I’m guessing). So here I am last night in the bitter cold holding a flash light while he tries to replace the light bulb. Which ends up falling into the lense of the headlight. End of store – paid someone to fix headlight and I got an extra rolling around in there for safekeeping.

I understand that the issues with my car are mainly cosmetic but am I suppose to wait for it to break down on some back road before I can get a new one? It does make a weird nose in the mornings when it’s cold. And when I apply the break the whole car vibrates. Isn’t that enough people?

Monday, February 05, 2007

In Good Health

For those that don’t know I can be a tad bit dramatic. Just a tad. And recently I had some medical issues that came up that caused me some great concern. I now that my faith says give it unto the Lord and do not worry, but by nature I am a worrier.

So when there was the possibility that I had a “goiter” I started having dreams of large crazy shaped objects growing from my throat/neck area. Or my fiancé running from me at the alter once he pulled the veil back and seeing my “goiter” protruding from the top of my beautiful wedding gown. And then there was the one when I stopped breathing because the growth had gotten so large my airway was blocked. True dreams and thoughts people.

All that to say that it’s not a “goiter”. Thank God. “Goiter” is still one of the most ugly words ever in my mind.

Anywho I also had some other heath concerns going on at the same time as the “goiter’ fiasco so that may be why my vivid imagination go the better of me. I met with a very nice Asian doctor. So I gave him the run down of my medical history going back as far as high school, and he is listening and asking questions and apologizing for not having eye contact because of the new electronic system everyone is being forced to use. So after taking all his notes (no physical exam yet) he says to me:

Dr: - “well you don’t have cancer, you want to know how I know?”
Me: - As I clutched my imaginary pearls because I had thoughts of being on my deathbed, I ask how do you know that for sure?
Dr: - “cause you would have been dead by now.”

As weird as it was it really made me feel better. I still have a few more test that need to be ran but I do know that I am not dying tomorrow, well at least not from cancer or a “goiter” attack.