Bmore's Thoughts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

9 Days and Counting

I am so excited that I am only 9 days away from my wedding day. I don’t feel nervous, I don’t feel overwhelmed, and I don’t feel stressed. I feel like I am getting things done and can’t wait for the 29th to get here.

Now my body is saying something completely different. Last Saturday I started with a headache that I thought was cause by not eating. So I ate, took Tylenol, took Clairton, took something that someone gave me - headache still there for three days. Then I found this home remedy that suggested drinking Gatorade for headache pain. So I tried it and low and behold soon after drinking it my headache was gone.

Along with the headache came an eye tick, which unfortunately is still here. This is going on a week people. My wedding is in 9 days. I can’t have an eye tick on my wedding day. Just think about what those pictures are going to come out looking like. The fiancée says he can’t see it moving but to me it feels like it is so noticeable. This is absolutely driving my out of my mind. I feel like I need an eye patch or something so I can let my eye rest because for some reason my left eye is stressed the hell out.

HELP anyone know what to do about an eye tick? All suggestions welcomed.

Friday, September 07, 2007


So it’s been awhile since I posted something new. I say almost daily “I got to write about this shit here” but I never do. So much has happened and so much as changed. I am now 22 days away from my wedding. I can’t believe its almost here. I am so excited and emotional. I started crying the other day at the hair salon because my stylist was telling me about her wedding day. It was funny as hell but it brought tears to my eyes cause I just cannot wait for my big day.

My biggest issue right now is getting response back. There are several people that say that are coming but have not sent their response in or have lost them. Then there was the issue of who to invite to the formal reception and who just to invite to the ceremony and the reception at the church. It hurt my feelings that I couldn’t invite my people that live here to the formal reception when I know good and hell well that my great aunties are not coming. They are old and live in Tennessee and I have a cousin getting married in October so they probably can’t do both weddings. But I had to give them the option of coming.

So I have a secondary list prepared, but how do you go back and invite people? I am feeling like some people are pissed with me because of this. Which is silly if you really think about it but oh well you live and you learn. If they stopped speaking to me because of this then I guess it’s for the best. Who knows I could be just being overly sensitive due to the circumstances.

Anywho I am alive and well and the wedding planning is going extremely well – now. Only 22 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you have any? I have a couple, some more drastic then others. First I wouldn’t really call this a phobia, more like “they make me a little nervous”. But I have a thing with midgets, yeah they may want to be called little people but damn it they are midgets to me. I am not “really” scared of them but they do make me feel a little nervous when I see them. Like I could break out and run away at any moment, like I don’t want to look them in their eye or rather top of their head, like if one approached me I might just start swinging. But I don’t really call that a phobia.

Now bugs especially spiders scary me to death. I can’t even kill spiders, I can drown them in bug spray but to step on them HELL TO THE NAW that’s not happening. At my place I have bug spray and I spray the whole place regularly, and if one slips through the cracks I get my trusty can of spray and kill, but I don’t do clean up. At the Fiancée’s place it’s the same way. He doesn’t know this but I periodically spray there too.

Now here is where I face a problem – the Fiancée doesn’t understand the fear I have of bugs. He doesn’t get it, doesn’t care to get it, and pisses me off when he takes his sweet time killing a bug. Last week I was dog sitting for HIS family. I ended up staying at his brother’s house just cause it was more convenient then going back and forth. First two days we’re great, puppy was easy to take care of well trained, etc. Then morning 3 I am all ready for work got to the basement once and set up the room for the puppy come up to get puppy and head back down and hot damn there is a giant spider on the damn steps. I freak, probably squeeze the puppy to tight as I scramble to find some bug spray. I call the Fiancée and he is already on the road and provides no assistance at all or support. I end up calling sister in law and ask her where she keeps the bug spray – “in the basement” she says. Hell no I can’t get to the basement. I am sweating and shacking at this point. I found some carpet cleaner thinking that will at least make this spider sticky. No – it infuriates him. I call future mother in law and ask for her to come and help me. But she can’t come for another 20 minutes. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Meanwhile this damn spider is running up and down the steps – I kid you not. I can’t let him get up to the living area cause this damn puppy will be on his own for 3 days if that happens. Finally mother in law gets there (thank god) and she just as calmly walks down and steps on it and picks it up and throws it away. I think I love her.

Now through this all the Fiancée is pissed at me cause of my fear. What the heck is that about? Doesn’t he know that people have real phobias? So a co-worker helped me do some research on getting over phobias and there are three steps: looking at pictures, looking at them live, and then holding one.

That’s not going to happen.

Peace out.