Bmore's Thoughts

Monday, June 11, 2007

Open Letter to the Writers of Sopranos

Sopranos writers can go to hell. That ending pissed me off so bad. How the hell after your fans been watch this series for years. Devoted their time to follow the characters and know their names and family connections. How the hell do you just end with some many unanswered questions, with no finality with what happened? How can you do that to us your loyal fans?

I make sure I am home every Sunday evening at 9 o’clock to watch the week’s episode. And if by chance I am not home I DVR the episode or watch at soon as humanly possible on DEMAND. Some years I subscribed to HBO just for Sopranos. I lived with this Italian family as if they were my own family for years. I loved Silvio like he was my own uncle and laughed when Phil finally was killed. How could it just go off like that leaving me with so many assumptions?

Did the guy in the members’ only jacket kill Tony? Did the black guys kill the whole family except Meadow since she was running late? Is this about what Tony and Bobby were talking about in the boat? How when death comes you don’t hear anything it just goes black and silent? Didn’t they think that people will think their cable went out and start frantically looking for the remote (or was that just the Fiancée and I)?

As my brother said “this is the worst TV break up I have ever experienced”


Never getting hooked on another series


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