Bmore's Thoughts

Friday, November 17, 2006

Doesn't Sound Like a Good Idea

This fool has got to be the dumbest person alive aside from Kevin Federline that is. Have you heard Mike’s ass will now be available for purchase at Heidi Fleiss’ new legal brothel for women in Nevada?

Now what women in her right mind would pick Mike Tyson of all the men to choose from at this brothel? Mike Tyson the one that used Robin Givens as a punching bag. Mike Tyson the one that raped a woman. Mike Tyson the one that bit off a mans ear. Mike Tyson the one that can’t go anywhere crowded without getting into a fight. Mike Tyson the one that has that tribal tattoo on his face. Yes ladies that Mike Tyson.

He might get you back in that room and chock the shit out you. What in the world is wrong with this picture? Maybe he is that desperate for money since he is broke now, I am not sure. But I will say it doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.


Blogger 44Black said...

This is great!!!! It should be a reality show on adult TV. He used to mess around with Heidi Fleiss. I guess that was an interview. NOw he's slangin' D for her. I love this country......"Only in America" Don King

9:57 AM  

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