Bmore's Thoughts

Friday, November 17, 2006

I Might Have a Stalker on My Hands

This has been going on for some time now. And unintentionally I may have started this interaction. But I would like the record to show (channeling Clara Huxtable) that I never NEVER flirt with this young man. Also let the record show that if he was the last man on earth I would choose to hump a wall rather then pick him. Lets call him the office dork.

I don’t remember who initiated personal conversations but I do remember having long discussions about his girlfriend (at the time) and they’re soon to be break up. How depressed he was and how he couldn’t get over her blah blah blah. I tried to encourage office dork to get involved with old hobbies and friends to try and take the pain of the break up away. So he continued to cry about her and I started to become less and less patient with him, especially since I didn’t know the whole story behind the break up. Office dork kept saying lets go to lunch and I will feel you in on the whole story. I never took him up on this offer. My fear was that he would start crying and I would just have to get up from the table and walk back to the office.

All during this time he always would paid me compliments “you look great today”, “you don’t need to loose any weight”, and the most recent “if I drink around you I would probably be hitting on you all night”. (I just threw up a little in my mouth as I typed that) When he makes these comments I never return the compliment I just say thanks or nothing at all and keep it moving. But yet he persists on saying stuff and it makes me uncomfortable.

So the last straw came yesterday. Office dork works in a different department then I, but he always invites me to go with his departments for happy hour. I used to say I will try and make it but I never have gone out with them. So he invites me to yet another happy hour and I of course say no. He of course has to respond back with “I didn’t think you would”, so I ask “then why do you keep asking”. This is when he makes the comment about its best I don’t come because with him drinking he would be hitting on me all night. So I am done, I am sick of the comments and no longer will tolerate it.

I could kind of understand if this banter was mutual but its all one side, never encourage and never reciprocated. So its time I put my foot down I refused to be harassed any long especially by someone as fuggly and appalling has office dork. I told the fiancée and he suggested getting a voice disguise box and calling him and make a few threats. I told him to hold on to that idea we may need it later but I am first going to try and be professional about this. I kindly sent office dork an email and asked him to stop. But I am sure in a few months he will be right back to the same thing and then I might have to have the fiancée to kick is ass.


Blogger 44Black said...

Office dork needs a visit from the J-crew termination of relationship team. I understand there was no relationship but the same termination techniques still apply. You know the number!

10:01 AM  

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