Bmore's Thoughts

Monday, December 04, 2006

Organization Specialist

Ever heard of one? I hadn’t till a few weeks ago, and now I have one. Let me break it down for you. Apparently as soon as I get married all my belongings and me must vacate my current residence and move to the new residence immediately. Basically my mother wants all my shit out as soon as possible. And to help in that process it was recommended by none other then my mother that I hire an Organizational Specialist to come and help me start to get organized. When I say recommended I really mean my mother said call this lady here is the number, she can help you, NOW.

I will admit that my clothes have taken over two bedrooms included the closets. And more recently it looks like utter ciaos stretching from my bedroom to my bathroom and down the hall to the spare bedroom. The bed in the spare bedroom looks like a clothing bomb went off. I will admit that I have let things get out of hand; I will wash clothes and throw the clothes on top of the pile of clean clothes from the last wash on the bed. It has gotten so bad I don’t even know where to begin to clean it up.

Hence the Organization Specialist (I guess) she is going to come in and help me figure out a better course of action. I thought about just hiring a cleaning person but a one time clean is not what I need. I need to bull doze everything and start fresh. I hope she doesn’t have any cat allergies. I haven’t been able to vacuum for a while due to the clothes and shoes everywhere. God I hope this doesn’t turn into a nightmare. I almost feel like I need to clean up before she comes because of how bad it looks.

So Organization Specialist come and do your magic. I will keep you all posted on how things turn out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Why didn't you just call me??!! I would have charged you only HALF of what this woman is charging. What you need? A mop? some shelves? Shiiiiiit. Give me a call. I'll get it organized and take pictures of the before and after then I can be an organizational specialist too.


5:48 PM  

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