I just need to spend some time gushing over the Fiancée. I never thought I would find someone that I never would good tired of. In the past I was quick to kick someone to the curb for simple things like he called too early on Saturday mornings, or he breaths to loud, or I didn’t like the way he walks. Something just crazy and out the blue and I was out the door.
But this handsome man that I have in my like now is great. I never tire of his company and we laugh laugh laugh. Yes he is a sports fanatic but that is okay, yes he is mamma’s baby but so am I and we are working past that too, and yes some times he may get on my nerves but I never once wanted him out of my life. He is consistent and never weavers in how he feels for me and wanting to be with me. Even in the beginning when I had my 3-layer concrete wall up, he stood patiently and slowly but surely chipped/chiseled his way through to my heart. We complete each other: when I am being stubborn and mean he reminds me to lighten up some. When he is being Mr. Nice Guy and letting someone walk over him I remind him its okay to say no sometimes.
He is even learning to accept my cat. Even though he doesn’t like him, he is making an effort to try and be friendly with the little beast. He has learned to accept my Coach addiction, he doesn’t like it but he accepts it (I had to break it down to him in football terms for him to finally get it. Ravens season tickets are the same as new Coach purse in my eyes). He accepts my obsessive compulsive behavior he doesn’t like it but he has learned the sooner he lets me pull everything off the bed at night and put it back the soon we both will get to sleep.
I am so blessed and thankful that we found each other. I just want to share that:I LOVE ME SOME HIM.
He has been out of town a couple of days maybe I am missing him… 304 days to go!
I thought this to be hilarious. I have mention before I have the cutest black cat in the world. Although some times he is down right crazy and mean, and beats up my mothers dog (a German Shepard punk).
So my mother went to spend Thanksgiving with her family (that’s a whole different story I might tell one day), so I have been home caring for the kids. By kids I mean her 9 year old Shepard and my 6 year old cat. I say they are our kids because some times it really feels like we have 2 toddlers in the house. Some times they fight, at times they ignore each other and other times they team up and work together to get what they want.
So I believe last weeks craziness started Thursday evening, there was a fight in the hallway. And this almost always happens when I have just gotten comfortable in bed. So I go out to break the kids up cause the dog is yelping. I make my “devil” cat as the fiancée calls him go down stairs. I notice he is not to happy with me and I try to back away slowly to get my water bottle to use to protect myself and the dog, but as I turn my back this little bad seed jumps me from behind and leaves a long scratch down the front of my shin. So I proceeded to wet his little mean ass from head to toe.
So Friday night I am sleeping nice and sound when the dog comes in and wakes me up to take her outside at like 4 am. I stumble my way down two flights of steps and back up but she is still restless. Usually when that happens I lay in my mothers room cause she is more comfortable sleeping on the floor next to her bed.
Sidebar: before my mother left she cleaned the house like the top of the Chrysler building, which included clean sheets and a new comforter on her bed.
So I took a picture and sent it to her and blamed the kids for messing her bed up. I don’t think she found it as funny as I did. It looks like he is trying to make himself as flat as possible like I can’t see him laying there. Hilarious!!!
I forgot to mention I picked my wedding gown. And yes I picked the expensive as hell one. This is how I see it – I could get a dress I like and paid $400 or I could get a dressed I LOVED for my very special day and pay more. I am paying for this dress all by myself so it was totally my decision. Best believe I am going to be sexy and fly on my wedding day.
I told the fiancée he will love it and he will see it often. I am going to be in the house cleaning and cooking in my beautiful wedding gown. My neighbors are going to say “there goes the crazy lady in her wedding dress again” as I walk the dog in the neighborhood. So if you see a lady in her wedding gown often any time after September 29 it may just be me.
Since I am getting my dress custom made I have 5 fittings. Which is great I can lose weight up to a few weeks before the wedding. So the plan is to start a diet January and increase exercise. My goal is to get to a size 8. I am currently a 10 – 12 so I think that is a very obtainable goal. Keep me encouraged folks.
This has been going on for some time now. And unintentionally I may have started this interaction. But I would like the record to show (channeling Clara Huxtable) that I never NEVER flirt with this young man. Also let the record show that if he was the last man on earth I would choose to hump a wall rather then pick him. Lets call him the office dork.
I don’t remember who initiated personal conversations but I do remember having long discussions about his girlfriend (at the time) and they’re soon to be break up. How depressed he was and how he couldn’t get over her blah blah blah. I tried to encourage office dork to get involved with old hobbies and friends to try and take the pain of the break up away. So he continued to cry about her and I started to become less and less patient with him, especially since I didn’t know the whole story behind the break up. Office dork kept saying lets go to lunch and I will feel you in on the whole story. I never took him up on this offer. My fear was that he would start crying and I would just have to get up from the table and walk back to the office.
All during this time he always would paid me compliments “you look great today”, “you don’t need to loose any weight”, and the most recent “if I drink around you I would probably be hitting on you all night”. (I just threw up a little in my mouth as I typed that) When he makes these comments I never return the compliment I just say thanks or nothing at all and keep it moving. But yet he persists on saying stuff and it makes me uncomfortable.
So the last straw came yesterday. Office dork works in a different department then I, but he always invites me to go with his departments for happy hour. I used to say I will try and make it but I never have gone out with them. So he invites me to yet another happy hour and I of course say no. He of course has to respond back with “I didn’t think you would”, so I ask “then why do you keep asking”. This is when he makes the comment about its best I don’t come because with him drinking he would be hitting on me all night. So I am done, I am sick of the comments and no longer will tolerate it.
I could kind of understand if this banter was mutual but its all one side, never encourage and never reciprocated. So its time I put my foot down I refused to be harassed any long especially by someone as fuggly and appalling has office dork. I told the fiancée and he suggested getting a voice disguise box and calling him and make a few threats. I told him to hold on to that idea we may need it later but I am first going to try and be professional about this. I kindly sent office dork an email and asked him to stop. But I am sure in a few months he will be right back to the same thing and then I might have to have the fiancée to kick is ass.
This fool has got to be the dumbest person alive aside from Kevin Federline that is. Have you heard Mike’s ass will now be available for purchase at Heidi Fleiss’ new legal brothel for women in Nevada?
Now what women in her right mind would pick Mike Tyson of all the men to choose from at this brothel? Mike Tyson the one that used Robin Givens as a punching bag. Mike Tyson the one that raped a woman. Mike Tyson the one that bit off a mans ear. Mike Tyson the one that can’t go anywhere crowded without getting into a fight. Mike Tyson the one that has that tribal tattoo on his face. Yes ladies that Mike Tyson.
He might get you back in that room and chock the shit out you. What in the world is wrong with this picture? Maybe he is that desperate for money since he is broke now, I am not sure. But I will say it doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.
The Fiancée and me got new phones. We were with Nextel and as we all know they SUCK. So the Fiancée’s contract was up but mine isn’t for another few months. So Nextel has been calling him trying to get him to resign a contract and give him a new phone for free blah blah blah. Well guess what happens while he is on the phone with them. You guessed it, the call drops (as usual). We go to Verizon and switched networks and got new phones.
So I have this damn phone and I have some much trouble using it. Yes I know I just got the phone but in past I read the manual and I am up and running. This phone – I read the manual and I am still scratching my head. So I go to the website and go through the online tutorial service. Still a little confused but starting to see the light. There is also a cd-rom that comes with the phone. Maybe once I do that I will be up and rolling and calling.
But in the process of having my phone for three days I realize I cannot access the internet like I was told I could. I take it to the store they check it and say call data support. Which I do, I spend 50 minutes on the phone with data support all for her to say I need to do a hard reset. I call back to the store and check with them, making sure I don’t lose all my contact information. They have been very nice and say they can back my information up and reinstall after the hard reset. Cool beans.
So after my exercise class I go back up to the store I made the original purchase because they are expecting me at the technical support window. Explain everything to the gentlemen, he takes my phone looks at it, takes the battery out (which I had done earlier) and looks at me and says, “you want a hard reset”?
I am at the technical support window, right?
So I respond nicely “yes data support suggested a hard reset and since my information is not back up yet I needed for you to pull all my contacts out reset the damn phone and put my contacts back in”. His reply “ I don’t know how to do a hard reset on a Q”
What in the sam hell is going on here?
Needles to say I still have this new piece of machinery that I don’t fully understand how to use, but I refuse to let the “Q” beat me. I will beat the “Q” (or slam it into a wall and get an easier phone to use).
I walk around looking put together for the most part. I have a pretty good job, I have a great Fiancée, I am involved in church, and I have great friends. To look at me you would never believe the screwed up family issues I have.
I wear a mask.
What I hear is that this is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life. Planning a wedding and preparing for marriage life. Well for me it is the source of the greatest internal struggle I think I have ever experienced. And I am not happy.
I wear a mask.
I smile all pretty when anyone asks me about my wedding. How are the plans going? I smile and say they are going great. When in the back of my mind I think eloping is sounding better and better. Only the two most important people need to be there, the Fiancée and me. Right?
And I think they are following me. I see them all the time and it seems like nobody notices them but me. They are huge nasty looking things. When I first mention to my mother and the Fiancée that we had vultures in the area they didn’t believe me. So I went and did some research and here we have Turkey Vultures in Maryland.
During the summer when I see them I let my windows up in the car, I run from the car to the house or wherever it is I am going. I really think they are going to try and pluck my eyes out. They give me the creeps. I hate these ugly nasty ass birds.
Last week I was on my way to work and I lie to you not I saw about 20-25 perched on three street lights in a row. What the hell? I think they are following me. Some times I see them and they are just sitting there with their big ass wings spread open like they are waiting for me to have my window down so they can sweep in a snatch my eyes.
Vultures can range from 25 to 32 inches long and with a wind span of 6 feet. And I do believe I have seen several of the larger family members on my route to and from work. Maybe I am seeing so many now because there seems to also be a large amount of roadkill on the roads. You would think that I live in the country and not in a city but yes there are deer carcass everywhere and them damn ugly birds feed off of them. In conclusion I read on the Turkey Vulture Society website that this nasty bird is protected by the international Migratory Bird Treaties reach means if I try and kill one I will probably get in trouble.